
When it comes to serving, have you ever thought of yourself as useless? Maybe you see your circumstances as an obstacle to being able to serve God. Maybe it’s your health, your age, or maybe you just have a low opinion of yourself in which you think of yourself as lacking in talent or ability. Whatever the case may be, there are none that useless to God.
At the age of nine, Walt Davis became totally paralyzed by polio and could not walk for 3 years. But Walt did not allow this obstacle to stand in his way. In 1952, Walt Davis became the Olympic high jump champion.
A young boy born to German immigrants tried to play baseball with the kids who lived in his neighborhood. But he was so awkward that the neighborhood boys wouldn’t let him play with them. But he did not give up. Instead, he worked on his skills and became better than the boys in his neighborhood. He would eventually garner the attention of the New York Yankees, play 17 seasons with them, and become a legendary Hall of Famer. His name was Lou Gehrig.
As we learned this past Sunday, a thief and runaway slave named Onesimus came to Rome seeking freedom and found true freedom in Jesus Christ. The Apostle Paul described him as his “beloved brother” and, in Philemon 1:12, wrote “I am sending him back to you, sending my very heart.” According to church tradition, Onesimus would eventually become the bishop of the church in Ephesus.
Serving God takes more shapes and sizes than we could ever imagine. Praying, encouraging, or even just showing up in support of others are just a few ways that God can use you. No matter how difficult or constricting your circumstances may be, God is not hindered by them. As long as you seek His will and obey Him, He can and will continue to utilize you. No one is useless to God!
These are your Words for Wednesday. Have a great rest of your week!
In Christ,
At the age of nine, Walt Davis became totally paralyzed by polio and could not walk for 3 years. But Walt did not allow this obstacle to stand in his way. In 1952, Walt Davis became the Olympic high jump champion.
A young boy born to German immigrants tried to play baseball with the kids who lived in his neighborhood. But he was so awkward that the neighborhood boys wouldn’t let him play with them. But he did not give up. Instead, he worked on his skills and became better than the boys in his neighborhood. He would eventually garner the attention of the New York Yankees, play 17 seasons with them, and become a legendary Hall of Famer. His name was Lou Gehrig.
As we learned this past Sunday, a thief and runaway slave named Onesimus came to Rome seeking freedom and found true freedom in Jesus Christ. The Apostle Paul described him as his “beloved brother” and, in Philemon 1:12, wrote “I am sending him back to you, sending my very heart.” According to church tradition, Onesimus would eventually become the bishop of the church in Ephesus.
Serving God takes more shapes and sizes than we could ever imagine. Praying, encouraging, or even just showing up in support of others are just a few ways that God can use you. No matter how difficult or constricting your circumstances may be, God is not hindered by them. As long as you seek His will and obey Him, He can and will continue to utilize you. No one is useless to God!
These are your Words for Wednesday. Have a great rest of your week!
In Christ,
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