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This week our guest writer is iLove Worship Pastor Todd Sorrell. I hope that you enjoy his Words for Wednesday!
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, a holiday filled with tradition. I'm sure our families all have slightly different Thanksgiving traditions. We haven't done this lately, but years ago Ruth's nephew had a little "Thanksgiving Bell" he made at school. We would take turns ringing it and naming one thing we were thankful for.
For some of us, this could be difficult. Loss of a job, ailing family members or perhaps children who are struggling can leave us in a thanksgiving deficit. But I believe this approach of naming the things we are thankful for is somewhat missing the point. Instead of focusing on the things we are thankful for I think we should instead focus on whom we are thankful to.
If we tend to be thankful for the things that the people around us provide, then we will absolutely struggle when they disappoint us. But if we center our thankfulness on what God provides then being thankful should be easier. Why? Because scripture paints a very clear picture of God as a loving father who is constantly working things out for our spiritual good, even when we can't see it.
Sunday the choir sang "Hills and Valleys", a song that declares that no matter where we find ourselves, the same God is there. Paul spoke about this same thing in the Book of Philippians. Towards of the end of chapter 4 he speaks of being brought low and abounding, of facing plenty and hunger, of abundance and need. Then he gives us the secret to being content regardless of the situation. Verse 13 says "I can do all thing through him who strengthens me."
This explains how earlier in the same chapter he can give instructions about how to seek a peace that transcends understanding by making our requests to God "by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving". If you find yourself struggling for something to be thankful for this Thanksgiving, stop and instead focus on being thankful to God.
These are your Words for Wednesday.
Todd <><

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