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When Sonya and I first moved to Fuquay-Varina from South Carolina in 2010, the housing market was in a very sad state. The house we owned in South Carolina had fallen well below what we owed on it so selling it was not an option. We had to rent it out until the market turned around which took a few years. When our last tenant moved out, it was time to sell. Due to the distance from us, getting the house ready for the market took about 4 or 5 months during which time the house sat empty.
During those months of travelling back and forth to South Carolina, I was amazed at how much the house had begun to deteriorate even though it was empty. You would think that an empty house would keep but it turns out that just the opposite is true. With no one around, the small maintenance issues are not addressed which can lead to big maintenance issues. When things just sit and aren’t used, they can deteriorate in a hurry.
I’ve noticed that the same is true with Christians and serving. When we refuse to serve and sit idly by, we deteriorate. We become more inwardly focused on ourselves. We miss out on the fellowship with the Holy Spirit that comes when we are doing what He is calling us to do. It hinders our spiritual growth and maturity. Every time we serve, it is an opportunity to spread the Gospel and expand the Kingdom of God. When we don’t serve, we miss out on that eternal blessing and reward.
Not only does it affect you personally, but it also affects the body as a whole. Others grow weary because they are having to serve in our place. People suffer because their needs aren’t met. It can also hamper the spiritual growth of others. In addition, and most importantly, God is not glorified.
1 Peter 4:10 says, “As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” God has given each us a special gift to utilize for His glory. We are to manage that gift by serving others.
How are you actively serving others? God went through great extremes to give each of us a special gift to use for His glory in the service of others. What is holding you back from serving? Don’t be like an empty house that slowly deteriorates with each passing day. Engage in serving in some way today!
These are your Words for Wednesday.
Beginning next week and continuing for the next several weeks, our Elder Team will be writing Words for Wednesday each week. I hope that you will enjoy their articles and will give them feedback on each article. I look forward to seeing you all this coming Sunday morning at 10:45 at Ballentine Elementary School! Have a great rest of your week!
In Christ,

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